Genre: Rhythm, Keyboard Mashing
Status: In Development
Release Version: Novus MKI
System Requirements: Flash Player 11.3
Place your hands on those home row keys and prepare to mash away at a rain of notes! Notedrop is a dancing-style rhythm game driven by the community, with music chosen by the players and charts created by the passionate. Featuring SHIFT mode, an innovative new take of the keyboard rhythm game genre, Notedrop is continually being developed into a unique and balanced game.
Development Team
Bitzeralisis – Game Design, Programming, Game Graphics
thepianistalex – Game Design, Web Service
Chart Moderation Board
Charters – Chromatiqa and Guest Members
Check in-game for charters featured in Notedrop!
Status: In Development
Release Version: Alpha R1
System Requirements: iOS 6.0+, Android
Nibbler is a social network based around food. Keep of a diary of your culinary excursions and share with your friends (even competitively) both food you’ve bought and dishes you made! Optimized for mobile devices, Nibbler’s beautiful photo stream design and intuitive use is focused on giving you the best user experience.
Development Team
mindyh – Frontend developer
lfangyi – Promotion management
thepianistalex – Backend developer
Inmaku 01: Incomprehensible Luminescence
Genre: Vertical Danmaku Shooter
Status: Development Frozen
Release Version: Alpha Release 2 / Alpha Build 3
System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7, 512 MB RAM, OpenGL support
Set in the majestic world of Chromanea, Incomprehensible Luminescence takes you on a journey through the Cerulean Cloud zone, as Indris, Vel, and Maer take on a “side quest” to stop the mysterious light in the night. In this danmaku game inspired by ZUN’s Touhou series and game developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s game Rez, play as one of three characters, through over six stages in four different difficulties. I.L. features many unlockable game modes and various features, such as character observations and score reports.
Development Team
Bitzeralisis – World Design, Game Design, Programming, Graphics, Music
Genre: Music Game, Keyboard Mashing Game
Status: Released!
Release Version: Release 1 / Build 1
System Requirements: Flash Player (most recent version)
BIT.FALL is a Stepmania-style music game with effects inspired by BIT.TRIP and themes inspired by Child of Eden. The better you do, the more intense the music and visuals become! Can you reach the legendary E><A mode?
Development Team
Bitzeralisis – Game Design, Programming, Graphics, Bit Patterns
Guest Developers
Thanks to Newground Audio Portal and its artists for creating the great music used in BIT.FALL!