Nibbler is your food photography community.
It’s a place for food lovers to share their pictures of food, whether it’s Mom’s home-cooked dinner, your new deadly chocolate concoction or the 100th boba tea you had this week.
Today, Nibbler Beta will open its services to the public with some exciting features for the awesome food-loving community. Join Nibbler now at:!
Nibbler is optimized for mobile devices.
Release Version 1 Features:
- Web app with cross platform compatibility (on html5-compatible browsers)
- Easy access to camera and photo album
- Subscribe to friends
- Explore other Nibbles on the map
- “Favorite” Nibbles and view them together in your Favorites page
- Share delicious Nibbles to Twitter
The App:
The Facebook:
The Official Blog:
The Twitter:
Bugs, questions, love letters? Send them this way: