Here’s a Notedrop release! Remember to clear your browser cache if the new version doesn’t load.
I changed the way MISSes work; now, instead of triggering whenever you don’t hit a note, they only trigger if you hit a note way, waaaay to early. (Hitting it way too late isn’t called a MISS. That’s called a BREAK.) Feel free to mash the other keys as much as you want! And now A, D, K, and ; lanes have notes in a soothing cyan color, to make reading complicated patterns easier. Plus, MISSes and MAX 10%s reduce health a little less now, though they still reduce health. And, of course, I made small graphical changes and bug fixes.
I also changed some of the ways Notedrop interacts with charts and songs. There aren’t any major overhauls, but it’s completely recommended that current charters see the bottom of the How to Chart page for a list of the important changes I made.
Plus, you can tweet your score after you finish a chart. Now you can play Notedrop and TWEET about it, too!
Notedrop Ar6 Changelog
• Added tweet button to chart complete screen. Now you can play Notedrop and tweet about it, too!
• Made colors of notes mapped to A, D, K , and ; cyan instead of green for easier reading of patterns
• Made several graphical changes
• Removed MISSes as a result of hitting keys without hitting and note, and made them occur instead when notes were hit way, waaaay too early
• Health drain from MISSes and MAX 10%s lowered
• Getting a MAX 10% on a gold note no longer lowers volume (but does not increase it, either).
• Charts pre-checked and sorted before play, so notes no longer have to be in order. Also, charts are checked for invalid note-values and incomplete lines, which are simply removed.
• Chartlist now fades in instead of suddenly appearing
• Added song and video caching to prevent re-loading and memory leaks
• Fixed bug where default quality and BGV quality would not load
• Fixed bug where highest video quality indicator would spaz out before loading was complete